Wrongful Death Cases

In this difficult time, people often find it hard to take the first step to call an attorney. They are in shock and grief; additionally, they feel it is impossible to place a dollar value on the love and companionship of their lost family member.

While money can never compensate for the loss of your loved one, it can help your family overcome the loss of income and service so that family life can continue, and it can hold the negligent party responsible for their wrongful actions.

If you’re considering bringing a wrongful death lawsuit after a fatal car accident, an accident on an unsafe property, or from use of a defective piece of equipment, work with an experienced and compassionate attorney who understands the needs of grieving families.  Contact the law offices of Grady & Riley, LLP.

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If you think that you may have a case, call us at 203.575.1131 or fill out the form below:

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